Saturday, December 30, 2006

Who are these advisors?

For years, I was the pastor of a typical Protestant Church. I took on the all the ideology and doctrine of the church, i.e., the denominations view of the truth. As I continued to study, I found out there were many other views of the church, in light of their own ideology and doctrine. Then it hit me that in order to figure out who was right, I had to have some sort of canon to guage and measure the truth of each one.The Bible is still that canon. But, how we interpret it is what counts. So here we are in a "Christian Nation", forcing our political ideology and doctrine, backed by military might, the old double edged sword of Imperialism on an entirely different "Muslim Nation", and our leadership feels it is just fine to do. Who are these Christian Advisors to the leadership, and how can they not speak out about how wrong this action has been, and continues to be. The shrouds and stays are still in place, the mast is still there. Jesus is still the way, truth, and the life. But those who are ordained to speak the truth, are more interested in protecting pensions and 401k's. In writing books, and speaking engagements, than in telling the truth.Church leadership today, is in the same place it was when Jesus came to confront it, buried deep in its own ideology and doctrine, with its head stuck in the sand, hoping to hold on to as many adherents to their own way of thinking in order to keep the doors open to thier own institutions, for as long as they can, or at least till they retire!

Friday, December 29, 2006

There is no ideology or doctrine in compassion.

Ideology and doctrine have precluded thinking. If you have all the ideology and doctrine, you have all the answers! So why bother thinking any more. Jesus hit the ideology and doctrine of a religious establishment head on. All the rules and regulations precluded the compassion that is found in the seeds of peace, i.e., faith, hope, and love. Compassion has no ideology or doctrine. Religious rights, religious lefts, denominations, and para-church organizations, all have their ideology and doctrine in place.They are governed by this.And with all these organizations in the world, here we are at each others throats. Look at the debacle as denominations split. The average person sits there and says,"well they are no different than anybody else!" Jesus won't be pushed over the cliff by these rebellious entities. The shrouds and stays still support the truth! No amount of ideology and doctrine can hide the truth. If one is going to make a difference, he or she must discover the objective truth. Not my truth, or your truth, but the truth. Jesus provides it!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What went wrong?

The shrouds and stays supported the mast for centuries. God's word, and the church, were always there to support the truth of God, Jesus Christ.The cross is the mast, and Jesus is the banner of truth! But, the ship has sailed the stormy seas, of ideology and doctrine. This tempest of ideology and doctrine, precludes thinking! Our churches today are lead by leaders who have allowed ideology and doctrine preclude their thinking.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Truth must be seen first!

When the lookout of one ship encounters another ship coming over the horizon, the first part seen is the mast. The flag is flown from the mast in order that the identity of the ship may be determined quickly.The truth of the ships identity is on the mast.The mast is the truth bearer. Shrouds and stays support the mast. Truth must have support. Certainly a ship may fly a flag that does not reveal its true identity, and this has been done. But then, the mast no longer reveals the truth, i.e., the mast is no longer the truth bearer, and therefore the shrouds and stays no longer support the truth, but support deception. Jesus Christ is the truth."I am the way, the truth, and the life!" ( John 14:6) Further, God's word is the truth. "Your word is the truth." (John 17:7) Finally, "After all, the church of the living God is the strong foundation of truth." 1 Tim. 3:15 This all sounds very good. Jesus, the Bible, and the Church, the mast, shrouds and stays. The perfect picture of the truth. A fine ship indeed. But wait. The Prophet Isaiah says something is wrong. "Your ships rigging is loose, its mast shaky, and its sail not spread." Is. 33:23 Our ship is well past its righting moment! We have sailed into a tempest. What has gone wrong?