Tuesday, December 26, 2006

What went wrong?

The shrouds and stays supported the mast for centuries. God's word, and the church, were always there to support the truth of God, Jesus Christ.The cross is the mast, and Jesus is the banner of truth! But, the ship has sailed the stormy seas, of ideology and doctrine. This tempest of ideology and doctrine, precludes thinking! Our churches today are lead by leaders who have allowed ideology and doctrine preclude their thinking.


Memo's Mind said...

This sounds familiar! Have I been listening to this for the last 2 months in our Bible study? Welcome to the blog world - can't wait to read more about the tempest!

Sarah said...

So we when are questioning the current truths, building up new support (new shrouds and stays) or even returning to old ones how do we keep from making a new doctrine or a new ideology?