Saturday, December 30, 2006

Who are these advisors?

For years, I was the pastor of a typical Protestant Church. I took on the all the ideology and doctrine of the church, i.e., the denominations view of the truth. As I continued to study, I found out there were many other views of the church, in light of their own ideology and doctrine. Then it hit me that in order to figure out who was right, I had to have some sort of canon to guage and measure the truth of each one.The Bible is still that canon. But, how we interpret it is what counts. So here we are in a "Christian Nation", forcing our political ideology and doctrine, backed by military might, the old double edged sword of Imperialism on an entirely different "Muslim Nation", and our leadership feels it is just fine to do. Who are these Christian Advisors to the leadership, and how can they not speak out about how wrong this action has been, and continues to be. The shrouds and stays are still in place, the mast is still there. Jesus is still the way, truth, and the life. But those who are ordained to speak the truth, are more interested in protecting pensions and 401k's. In writing books, and speaking engagements, than in telling the truth.Church leadership today, is in the same place it was when Jesus came to confront it, buried deep in its own ideology and doctrine, with its head stuck in the sand, hoping to hold on to as many adherents to their own way of thinking in order to keep the doors open to thier own institutions, for as long as they can, or at least till they retire!


Memo's Mind said...

So I understand that we should not rely on ideology that is spoon fed to us. And interpreting the truth is vital...but what if, like myself, you feel like you need help interpreting the Bible. What if you don't feel confident that you will interpret it in the way it should be...who/what do you turn to then? The church? No. Other Christians who have learned their interpretations through the church? No. Who then do I turn to? Just praying about it is not really bringing me the clarity I was hoping for.

Sarah said...

It does seem that to get to the point in your career in politics you have to be more worried about yourself than the advice you are giving. As someone who would like to go into politics I find this to be rather unfortunate.

The canon you are speaking of in this post. I want to know more about it. Is there a series of questions we can begin with to locate truth and also untruths in the world? Is there a process we can use?

I am just getting into Merton and finding that reflection is his process. That actualy works well for me but it cant be the only method. Sometimes refelction falls in upon itself when ones world view revolves only around themselves.

I like memo's question about prayer. I also find that the ole adage of talk it to the lord in prayer often leaves me wanting or confused.